Today, in our Thursday edition, we have Sally Beauty Supply.
1. My very-specific favorite hair dryer is sold there, and I saw the sign for a free tote with purchase of electric hair tools, yet, the two women working (because you need two idiots to work a store the approximate size of a wide hallway) did not offer me a free tote. I could actually use a tote (free or otherwise) so I was sort of excited. Granted, it was some sort of fake sparkly hounds tooth pattern, but regardless. I did not ask about the free tote, because I feared it would cause major confusion and I did not want to interrupt...
2. Their conversation about hotdogs wrapped in bacon. Now, had I not heard this conversation, I would have already been concerned about the health and well being of these women, so this only furthered my worry.
3. Working at Sally Beauty Supply does not mean you have to actively use ALL THE SUPPLIES every day. I mean, actually, maybe it is in the contract that you do, like how if you work at Gap you have to wear clothes are from Gap or affiliate stores.
Images: (2);
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